Fellow, Corporate, Affiliate, Graduate and Student membership arises by way of personal application through the Irish Planning Institute’s website. In advance of each Council meeting, the Membership Committee examines and evaluates each application and agrees a recommendation to Council.

man studying

The IPI is the professional body for planning and planners in Ireland. The IPI members represent a powerful body of planning professionals in Ireland. Joining the Institute gives strength to the Institute to represent the profession and achieve collective goals.

Applications are then formally voted on by the Council. For more on membership categories click here.

Under the Institute’s Constitution, Council shall in all cases have absolute discretion in deciding whether any person shall or shall not be admitted to membership of the Institute. No person shall be admitted to the Institute until he or she shall have been elected by a resolution of the Council. 

Membership fees are due once elected to membership. 

Following consideration by the Membership Committee, applications for membership are presented at Council meetings. The Council typically meet on the first Thursday of the month. Applications must typically be received at least 21 working days before the meeting date in order to be considered.

Please note for operational or administrative reasons applications received by the dates above may be deferred to a subsequent meeting. This is at the Institute’s discretion.

For Student, Graduate, Corporate, Affiliate or Fellow applications please download the application form here, then begin your application in the relevant section and upload the completed form and any additional information required. When applying for membership, those with a non-IPI accredited qualification are asked to complete a supplemental information template giving details of your course content in the context of our educational requirements (click here to download in Word). This will assist the Membership Committee in their evaluation and enable more timely decision making. 

The decision making process is as follows


Council Recommendations 

Our decision making process

Membership information webinar – September 2024

Recording of our latest membership information webinar on 2 September. The slides presented are available here:

September 2024 Membership Information Webinar Slides.