Home / Become a Planner / Irish Planning Institute Student Awards 2024-2025 The Irish Planning Institute is delighted to present the Irish Planning Institute Student Awards 2024-2025. The Office of the Planning Regulator supports the Institute’s aims for the award and with their support a prize fund of €2000 is available for this awards scheme. Aim of the student awards scheme The Irish Planning Institute is seeking entries from students and HEIs with accredited planning programmes to showcase the high-quality, original and potentially impactful work being completed by planning students. The judging panel will particularly consider the creativity and innovation, execution and professional relevance of entries when making their assessment. Eligibility The award is open to students who are currently enrolled in any year of planning qualifications currently accredited by the Irish Planning Institute or those who have completed an accredited qualification in 2024. Entrants must be a current student member of the Irish Planning Institute or a graduate member who completed their studies in 2024. Category 1 – Student of the year Nominated by the HEI. Each HEI can only enter one candidate per accredited programme they deliver The HEI can nominate one student undertaking/recent graduate of an accredited planning programme by submitting two assignments completed as part of the programme for consideration by the judging panel Must be individual assignments selected with regard to the aim of the awards scheme Assignments provided do not have to be final year work but they must be completed as part of an IPI accredited undergraduate or postgraduate course Free to enter A monetary prize fund is available for this award, with the assistance of the Office of the Planning Regulator Category 2 – Student researcher of the year Self nominated Student/recent graduate members invited to submit one example of independent research undertaken as part of their programme. This may include studio projects, reports, dissertations or essays for example Entries do not have to be final year work but they must be a project, report, dissertation or essay etc. completed as part of an IPI accredited undergraduate or postgraduate course Only individual work can be submitted A monetary prize fund is available for this award, with the assistance of the Office of the Planning Regulator Awards judging panel The awards judging panel will include Gavin Lawlor MIPI, President of the Irish Planning Institute, and Niall Cussen FIPI, Chief Executive and Planning Regulator at the OPR amongst other leading figures in Irish planning. Award timeline Entries open – Thursday 19 December 2024 Submission deadline – Noon Friday 21 February 2025 Evaluation period – March 2025 Presentation of prizes – IPI Annual Planning Conference April 2025, Galway To Enter Complete the form above or click here for HEI’s nominating students under Category 1 – Student of the year. You will be asked to provide details of the student being entered, the programme they are completing/have completed and you will also be required to submit the two assignments that are to be judged, along with a brief summary of why you have chosen to nominate this student and the assignments provided. Complete the form above or click here to enter the self nominated Category 2 – Student researcher of the year. You will be asked to provide your details and upload the example of independent research that is to be judged, along with brief details of the module the piece of research was completed as part of or the brief it was required to meet. Terms and conditions Due consideration will be given to all of the entries and more than one award may be made in any given category. The judging panel may recommend that no award be made or that the prize fund be divided to reflect the standard and diversity of entries. The IPI reserve the right to withdraw or expand a category. No physical work to be submitted. Online entries only. The judges’ decision is final. All entries will be evaluated in an anonymous manner by the judging panel. The judging panel recommends the results of the award to the IPI Council. The IPI Council may direct the judging panel on any matter relating to the awards. The IPI Council reserves the right to permit or refuse the presentation of the awards. The decisions of the IPI are final and conclusive. No discussion or correspondence will be entered into. Entries must be received by the deadline date. Late entries will not be accepted. Online application forms must be completed in full and required documentation submitted at time of entry. An entry will presume that any necessary consents and permissions have been obtained. Category winners will be eligible for complimentary attendance at the Institute’s 2025 annual conference during which the prizes will be presented. For any queries please email [email protected].