The Institute’s Constitution provides for a number of Executive Committees, each made up of a Council member and members. 

The Committee structure offers enhanced opportunities to get involved in your Institute and profession. Sitting on an IPI Committee puts you at the heart of developments in your profession and allows you to meet and work with a range of interesting people working across planning in Ireland. Each Committee has a Convenor who is a member of Council who liaises between the Committee and the Council.

Each Committee also elects a Chair and a Secretary at its first meeting. The Chair of a Committee is not required to be a Member of Council. Each Committee works to an agreed work programme.

Executive Committees and Convenors 2024-25

  • Finance and General Purposes Committee: Juliet Ryan MIPI
  • Technical and Education Committee: Emma Pillion MIPI
  • Membership Committee: Stephen Walsh MIPI
  • Policy and Research Committee: Philip Jones FIPI
  • Young Planners Committee: Emma Flanagan MIPI
  • Branches Committee: Mairead Kenny MIPI
  • Marine Spatial Planning Committee: Brian McCarthy MIPI
  • Practice Committee: Robert Keran MIPI
  • Transport Committee and Urban Design Committee: Eoin O’Connor MIPI
  • Ethics and Professional Practice Committee Chair: Mary Crowley FIPI