Subscription fees are as follows and are for January – December. 

Membership Category








Overseas – Corporate


Overseas – Graduate


Corporate/Fellow – Retired






Members who are renewing their membership will receive an invoice, containing payment instructions, at the start of 2025. Please DO NOT attempt to pay for your membership before you have received this invoice, as you will be required to enter the reference number printed on the invoice.

If you are a retired Corporate or Fellow Member or unwaged, job seeking, on unpaid maternity leave, extended sick leave etc., you can apply for a reduced subscription for this member year. You must immediately inform the IPI of a change in your circumstances. At its meeting of 30 November 2023 and ahead of the 50th anniversary of the Institute in 2025, Council agreed that from 1 January 2024 the subscription fees of members aged 75 and over will be waived each year. 

A pro-rata membership rate is applied to Members joining the Institute later in the year.

Please contact for more information.