Affiliate Membership

In accordance with its stated aims of being a learned and professional body, the Institute shall include as eligible for Non-Corporate membership persons who have a primary or post-primary degree (or equivalent) related to planning in the opinion of the Council, who have been engaged for a minimum of two years in approved research or practice related to planning including but not limited to Ecology, Conservation, Urban Design, Transportation Planning and Marine Spatial Planning.


Current rate for Affiliate Membership can be found in the fees section of the website.


Applicants must submit the following documentation:

  • IPI Application form
  • Degree Transcript (s) or Degree Qualification Certificates
  • CV detailing: Organisation in which you were employed, position held, dates of commencement and termination, type of work in which you were engaged, the time spent on each area of work, your personal contribution to, and your level of responsibility in such work and; Publications
  • 2 Current IPI Corporate/ Fellow Members in support of your application. Signatures required verifying experience.
  • When applying for membership, those with a non-IPI accredited qualification are asked to complete a supplemental information template giving details of your course content in the context of our educational requirements (click here to download in Word). This will assist the Membership Committee in their evaluation and enable more timely decision making.

Download the application form here.