IPI Membership Applicants

  • Applicants undertake that, in the event of election to membership of the Irish Planning Institute, they will be governed by the Constitution and Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of the Institute, and that Members will promote the objectives of the Institute insofar as I am able.
  • Applicants must ensure all details and particulars provided are correct.
  • Applicants agree that the IPI may make any enquiries it considers necessary to establish such matters as qualifications and experience, and to the release by other people/organisations (including any employer/former employer/third level institution) of such information as may be necessary for that purpose.
  • Applicants agree that the IPI may store the information provided in this application and contact me through the details provided. The provisions of the Data Protection Act, 1988 – 2003 will be fully complied with.

Bookings and payments

  • Payment for events must be in advance or your place may be given to someone else. You can pay using your credit or debit card or within 30 days of the date of the invoice we send you.
  • IPI accepts no responsibility for non-attendance at booked events


For those unable to attend, a substitute delegate may be sent if notified by Friday 10 April for no additional charge. Alternatively, a refund will be given for cancellations received in writing up to 5 days prior to the conference, less an administration fee of 50%. Regrettably no refunds are possible after this date and this policy is strictly enforced.

Data protection

  • Personal information supplied by applicants may be stored by electronic means e.g. database, for use only in connection with this application and subsequently to contact you in relation to your IPI membership. The provisions of the Data Protection Act, 1988- 2003 will be fully complied with.
  • We have collected information from you, in order to communicate with you about the event for which you have registered.