Home / Become a Planner / Study Planning The IPI inspects and accredits on invitation a number of planning courses. A list of currently accredited courses is shown below.Accreditation by the IPI of a course indicates to future employers of graduates that the standard of education received has provided the person with the necessary skills to undertake a career as a planning professional, and is of considerable advantage to persons seeking to be recruited as planners to both the public and private sector. All courses are accredited in line with the Institute’s education guidelines, downloadable below. Technological University Dublin TU835 BSc in Spatial Planning & Environmental Management (4 year undergraduate) TU225 MSc Spatial Planning (2.5 year part-time postgraduate)Click here for details about the full-time undergraduate programme and here for details about the part-time postgraduate programme. University College DublinMaster of Regional and Urban Planning (MRUP) – 2-year course Accelerated 3 year+1 year degree combining: BSc City Planning & Environmental Policy and MRUP AcceleratedClick here for more information on these courses.University College CorkMasters in Planning and Sustainable Development – MPlan – 2-year courseClick here for more information on this course.The Institute also accepts, for graduate membership, professionally qualified planners who are already full members of member planning institutes of the European Council of Spatial Planners, and these can then go on to Corporate (full) membership of the Institute after having gained at least two years satisfactory experience in planning after obtaining the relevant membership, or other mechanisms under the EU Mutual Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications as defined under Article 11(d) of EU Directive 2005/36/EC. IPI Educational Guidelines Download our Educational Guidelines document here →