The IPI defines Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as the ongoing maintenance, improvement and development of the knowledge, skills and personal qualities required in professional life.

Professional development

The policy applies to Corporate and Fellow Members. Other categories may of course keep a record of their CPD activities using the online system.

The CPD cycle follows the calendar year capturing CPD from 1st January to 31st December each year.

Members are required to accrue 20 credits over this cycle. These should be logged through by 31st December each year (login required). Paper or soft copy returns (i.e. returns not through the website) will not be accepted.

The new CPD guidance note revised in May 2021 can be downloaded below. 

Those elected to Corporate Membership ‘mid cycle’ will not be penalised for not reaching the 20 credit requirement in the year of election. They are expected to reach the 20 credit requirement in the next cycle.

What is CPD?

The IPI defines CPD as the ongoing maintenance, improvement and development of the knowledge, skills and personal qualities required in professional life.

There are 4 IPI CPD categories. Each cycle a minimum of 5 credits must come from activities in Categories 1 or 2.

  • Category 1: Learning events, training, fieldtrips, seminars, conferences, workshops, and courses to develop knowledge, skills and values
  • Category 2: Contributions to the Profession
  • Category 3: Self-directed Learning 
  • Category 4: Non-planning related courses to develop knowledge, skills and values

Members can collect credits for CPD events and training they attend, training that they deliver and CPD activities that they participate in alone. These do not have to be IPI events and can be internal training, self directed learning etc. 

You should retain the necessary attendance records etc. as proof of compliance in the event of the Institute auditing a random sample of members.

CPD includes a wide range of learning activities related to enhancing your professional knowledge and skills.  Most CPD activities attract 1 credit per hour of learning. Please note that where the activity is considered an integral part of one’s work, the activity cannot be counted as CPD.

Only you can judge whether an activity has improved your competence as a professional planner, however, CPD activities must generally be: 

  • Of significant intellectual or practical content dealing primarily with planning related matters; or
  • Relevant to a practitioner’s immediate or long term requirements in relation to the practitioner’s professional development; and
  • Conducted by persons or bodies that have suitable qualifications, when relevant.

Some examples of activity that are NOT considered to be CPD include:

  • Social activities
  • Networking or meetings that have little or no relevance to your professional role
  • Running a personal website, blog or newsletter
  • Participation in marketing events

Section 2.10.1 of the Articles of Association regarding the Disqualification and Exclusion of Members allows for the removal of a member if they fail to comply or provide evidence of compliance with the continuous professional development requirements of the Institute. 

Approved events and courses

Many other organisations – professional, educational and commercial – deliver programmes and events which are of educational value to IPI members. Some of these may be approved by the IPI for CPD purposes, confirming they are in an area relevant to the professional development of planners. Approval provides a “mark of quality” indicating it is of relevance and it achieves a high quality standard. 

If you are planning an event and would like it to be approved by the Institute then please contact the Institute’s Office.

CPD Guidance Note