Home / Membership Types / Fellow Membership Choose a different membership category to view: All Membership Types Student Membership Graduate Membership Corporate Membership Retired Members Overseas Membership Affiliate Membership Fellow Membership Honorary Members In order to be eligible for Fellowship of the Irish Planning Institute a member must fulfill the following criteria: The person must have been a Corporate Member of the Institute for a continuous period of not less than ten years The person must have at least 20 years of professional planning experience The person must have either served on the Council of the Institute as a Corporate Member of Council, or been an officer of one of the Institute’s Branches, or a combination of the two, for a period of not less than four years, or must have made, in the opinion of the Institute’s Council, an important contribution to the development of the Institute. FEES The current annual subscription for a Fellow can be found in the fees section of the website. APPLY IPI Application form Outline of the dates claimed for the continuous period of ten years as a Corporate Member of the Institute 2 Current IPI Corporate/ Fellow Members in support of your application. Signatures required verifying experience A detailed CV showing at least 20 years professional planning experience; and either: (a) Statement of the years in which the applicant was a Corporate Member of the Council of the Institute, and/or an officer of one of the Institutes branches; (b) Evidence/ Statement of how the applicant considers himself/herself to have made an important contribution to the development of the Institute. Download the application form here.